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The Travelling Ladybug
6 min read
Busting the myths around Cruising
The age-old question that passes by many of those who are intrigued by the idea but have never pressed that book cruising...
The Travelling Ladybug
3 min read
The oldest town in Colombia: Santa Marta
Santa Marta, Colombia's oldest surviving town and one of the oldest in the whole of South America. Founded in 1525 by Rodrigo de...
The Travelling Ladybug
3 min read
My long-awaited visit to Cartagena, Colombia
Since I watched the 1984 film 'Romancing the Stone' many years ago I wanted to go to Colombia and Cartagena! The fact that it wasn't even...
The Travelling Ladybug
3 min read
One day in Costa Rica
I may have only been to Costa Rica for one day, but it certainly made a good impression. So much so that I am now planning my week or two...
The Travelling Ladybug
2 min read
A city of two halves: Havana, Cuba
I don't know about you, but I have always had a rather romanticised and idyllic preconception on what Cuba would be like. I don't know if...
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