Looking back over the past 12 months and the year that had initially promised so much in terms of travel and personal transformation, it is easy to get caught up in the global despair and frustration. Nothing panned out as planned.
Despite the pandemic and lock-down which gripped the world, it is worth remembering that everything in life happens for a reason and that it is important that we continue to find the positives in life. Sure, the pandemic completely scuppered every single one of the plans that I had carefully curated, but in a way it was also a mini blessing in disguise. What had originally been planned as a year filled to the brim with both business and personal trips (almost bordering on elevated levels of anxiety), ended up with no travel save one weekend in Copenhagen in January. I got to spend more time with my family and I also managed to push forward on a musical project with my Dad which has been in the works for over a decade. We finally shared our music with the world (cheeky link to our Beyond The Generations website for you to check out!…..)
Early on in the pandemic and lock-down which gripped the world, I am sure that not one single person could have imagined how the year would shape out. We couldn’t have imagined being confined to our homes for such long periods of time, schools and universities closed, the hospitality and tourism industry on pause and borders closed, lack of human contact - even a simple hug. Not being able to travel back to Italy to see my family has been hard.
And yet, I truly believe that when things return to a pre-pandemic level of normality, we will all appreciate what we missed for those months. Getting on a plane and travelling will afford even greater level of excitement and appreciation. Eating out at a restaurant with multiple friends on a summer’s day and celebrating weddings and birthdays with loved ones. In a way I hope that we use the teachings from this year to maintain some of the (admittedly forced) opportunities presented to us. What were they, I hear you ask? Slowing down. Making the most of what you have. Spending more time with those you love. Striving for more work-life balance.
Being stuck in a country where it rains most of the time and which I choose to fly away from on all my vacations, also forced me to fully appreciate what is right on my doorstep. From long walks from my doorsteps in the beautiful Chiltern Hills, to refreshing walks along the River Thames as part of the Thames Path route, England really is a beautiful country…when it’s not raining!
Be sure to check back on The Travelling Ladybug over the coming months, where I will be bringing you some hints and tips to maximise your trip along the Thames Path, what to do with 48 hours in Copenhagen, hidden gems of Italy, travel tales from the past, new recipes from my kitchen and so much more.
So, here is to a 2021 which is filled with hope, happiness, good health and plenty of safe travel.